Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is What I Live For!

These kinds of moments. :) They make me so happy. It was hilarious, actually, because I was carrying him around the house trying to keep him awake. He got tired earlier than normal (like 7:30ish) and he doesn't usually go down until 8-8:30. So I was bouncing him around and talking to him and I carried him downstairs and he just konked out in front of everyone (we had some friends over), out of nowhere. Literally, just bent over and passed out in a matter of two seconds, like he just gave up on being fed and cuddled before bed time like a normal night, "Ok, mommy, I'm done." Everyone was laughing so hard. I wish I got a video of it. I think moms should be equipped with some sort of internal video cam that stores all memories in a video library, so that you can pull it out later and project it so everyone can see. Anyway, I just flipped him around and cuddled him, and my friend Allie shot that photo. Looking back, I should have just put him down when he was displaying his tired signs. He probably would not have woken up out of hunger in the middle of the night because he ate a whole container of sweet potatoes at 6pm! He's really getting the eating thing down. Tonight he gets to start his fruits, which I'm 99.9% sure we will not have issues with! Bananas here we come! :)

Speaking of internal cameras, I was able to get a video of part of an awesome conversation between Jake and his daddy the other day, and I finally figured out how to post it here!

As I said above, we had a couple of or best friends over for dinner. All I hear from her is how much she loves Jake, how smart he is in comparison to other kids his age that she knows, how interactive he is etc. It makes me SO proud, and he's not even talking yet! I can't wait to see what this kid is going to be like as he gets older. Every day it's something new and exciting. He is literally like a sponge, and everything he does shows just how smart he is. Anyway, I woke up this morning to this post on my Facebook from her:

"I love this person! She is Amazing!! She is one of my Best Friends and a person who I deeply admire. Allie~ You made a perfect little tiny person and he fits right in to our lives like a piece of a puzzle. You have done an extraordinary job in your Mothering Jake and he is growing to be such a wonderfully happy and well adjusted baby!! Congrats to you for conquering the most challenging times of all… Motherhood! You are a wonder and an inspiration to me. I love you deeply and your son is proof that you are one of a kind. It seems you were made to do this… be a mother to Jake! Xoxo Always, you are the best!"

That is another thing I live for. Knowing that I'm admired as a mother by others just makes my day. It helps to know that others think I'm doing a good job. Obviously my day started with me in tears, but for a good reason.

Happy Hump-Day!

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